
Monday, 24 June 2019

Everything you need to know about polar ice caps

Amelia's follow up for week 8
This term in reading we have been reading about the environment.
I have enjoyed learning more and more every day.
For reading this week my group read this article:What Is a Polar Ice Cap?
The new ideas I have now I’ve read this text are    
  1. Give everybody free solar panels.
  2. Use less gases
  3. Bike to school
  4. Use beeswax wraps                                         
  5. Use reusable containers
  6. Use an electric car
  7. Get a worm farm
  8. Use less plastic

I now better understand because of what we are doing polar ice caps are melting this could lead to all
animals living in Antarctica extinct. I know what we are doing is not right and that is why I am now
trying my best to make a change.
                                                 What do you know about Polar ice caps?
What do you think you could do to help reduce Climate Change?
by Amelia