A adverbial phrase is a time when the thing took place. For example Just as the sun was setting.
Repetition is were you repeat the start of a sentence, For example If only I had been listening if only I had been paying attention If only I watching.
A ristorical question is a question that is not meant to be answered. For example Will he ever get home?
We used a shade o meter which helps you find better words to use. For example if you put the word sat then you could find other words that are better. She also read us a book called the word collector. We also have a vocabulary vault which is were word s that we liked are kept. For example errevesent means bubbly. Predicament means problem and mess. Those are just a couple.
I will now show you my 9 sentences of writing.
Blue means It is my adverbial phrase
Pink means I have used repetition
orange means I have used a restircle question.
The seal pup
Just as dawn was breaking, the seal pup stared at the water , with only his reflection for company. He thought, why had he left his sister. He was in charge. Now she had vanished and all was silent except for the ripple of water. The whole group of seal pups were desperate to find her.
Why had he not been watching. Why had he not been paying attention. Why had he not been playing with her. If he had done all these things, then his sister would not have vanished.
Will his sister ever return?
what part did you like best?
Talofa Amelia it is Jasmine the highlighting was so helpful and it was a so good weighting but maby next time you could make shore the weighting dose not go off the page.