For maths this week our goal was to use multiplication and division strategies to find fractions of whole numbers. We could use any DLO to create something to show what we have learnt. We also had to screencastify over top of our DLO and talk through how we did our problems. I choose to create a poster and a screencastify. Here it is:)
I am a student at St Francis of Assisi Catholic School. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 26 August 2021
For reading this week we had to create a poster about growth mindset. We had to pick someone who showed a growth mindset. I picked Walt Disney. He went through a lot of roadblocks. He had to try and submit mickey mouse 300 times before one editor said yes. I have then said what a mindset is and the two different mindsets. Here is my poster enjoy.
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
The science behind Happiness
Hello everyone and welcome back. This term for p.b.l we are learning about the pursuit of happiness. One of the tasks we did was about the science behind happiness. We learnt about the four chemicals that make us happy. They are: Dopamine ( The reward chemical), Oxycontin ( Love chemical), Serotonin ( The mood chemical) and Endorphins ( painkiller). We then had to create something that told people what those fpour chemicals were and what they did. Here is my create, I hope you like it:)
Thursday, 12 August 2021
Inner peace
Hi everyone welcome back for reading this week we learnt about inner peace. We watched a video about po using inner peace. We then had to use a peace sign and decorate it either digilty or on paper. I choose to do it on paper. Since I can't show you my amazing artwork I will describe it for you. I joined shapes together and used different shades of green and blue. I really like reading this week.
Do you have inner peace like po.?